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עשיית עסקים עם איחוד האמירויות בחירת בתי ספר מתאימים לילדי העובדים

By EER/Executive Expatriate Relocations Dubai
We all know relocation and global mobility can be somewhat daunting at the best of times, but for parents there is an added layer of concern. When you have children, and you are considering a move to another country, it becomes vital to get as much information as possible on what their experience will be like. Parents need reliable details on how to ensure their little ones can integrate into the community, find fun things to do and get the best education available. That is why it is crucial to get the rundown on what you need to know about schools in Dubai.

Diversity Rocks: Schools in Dubai

One of the most comforting truths about schools in Dubai for incoming expatriates is the quality and range of education options available. There are over 200 private schools in Dubai right now that offer over 300,000 places for students. There are also ten new schools already scheduled to open in the 2021-2022 academic year in Dubai, which will add 14,671 new places for students. With these numbers, it is easy to see how strong the diversity is in terms of type, curriculum and approach. Families can find the right fit for their child in terms of the type of schooling that most appeals to their individual preferences, including US, British and IB curriculums, boarding and day school options and particular after-school programs.


The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is responsible for overseeing the quality of the schools and they issue annual markings for each school which potential parents can view.


Get a Head Start: Insider Tips

When it comes to evaluating schools in Dubai and preparing for how to secure places for your child or children, you need to make sure you are getting the right advice. One of the keyways to do this is to rely on insiders with expert knowledge. That way you can get some trusted tips that will help you make the right decision for your family and your relocation journey. To give you a little taste of what to expect when you work with EER, here are some of our top insider tips that you might not hear about elsewhere:

  • The detail is in the documents. Depending on where your child is coming from, most schools will have a list of the requirement documentation that they will need on their website. This could include information on the curriculum they have been following, school records, grading and reports. Most schools will require a transfer certificate on the school’s letter head that has been signed and stamped by the Principal, no longer than three months prior to the date of entry in the new school. Then the certificate will need to be attested by the Ministry of Education, the Department of Foreign Affairs and the UAE Embassy in your home country. Exempt countries include the US, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, although it is worth confirming this to avoid any delay in enrolment or your child being unable to register at a school in Dubai. In addition, if your child has a birth certificate that is not in English or Arabic, this will need to be translated and attested.

  • Application, Application, Application.When it comes to schools in Dubai, the quicker you submit your online admission applications the better. Although there are a lot of schools, there is a lot of competition for the top performing ones and if you want to secure a place, you need to make sure your little on is on a waiting list early. That said, there is commonly a non-refundable admission fee of AED500-1000 when applying, so you may wish to be selective in your application choices.

  • Residency Relief.Parents will not find themselves hampered by any residency visa delays when it comes to enrolment, especially in order to ensure term start dates. You will not be required to present the residency visa on day one, you have at least four weeks to get the right documentation and most schools will do their best to help you with any issues in order to avoid interrupting the child’s educational journey.

  • Parental Involvement.Schools in Dubai are very keen that only the parents are involved in completing the school’s admissions applications. This approach not only offers personal data protection for your child but sets the tone for engagement with their schooling for the future.

At EER we work to ensure that we have the most up-to-date information and can offer expert advice on schools and education in Dubai and the UAE. 


חברות ופרטיים המעוניינים ברילוקיישן לאיחוד האמירויות, מוזמנים למשרדנו לקבלת מידע נוסף וחיבור לעמיתינו שם שיוכלו לסייע בכל בעיה: רישיונות עבודה, בתי ספר, דיור, רישום חברה וכל נושא אחר בתחום עשיית עסקים עם מדינות המפרץ .

